Friday, September 5, 2014

FSL Tips

Automatic Atlas Query

If you need a table with the coordinates and atlas labels of clusters in a nifti map, check out this script written by Brainder. In his words, any information that is not shared is lost, so I hope he doesn't mind me sharing his script here.


To make colorbars for your figures when using fslview, navigate to: /usr/local/fsl/etc/luts (or wherever you save your FSL directory), and find colorbar.nii.gz. Open that file in fslview and you can change the colors to the ones matching your figure. Then screenshot the image.

Very often, the files you obtained from the scanner are oriented in a weird way, and are incompatible with the MNI152 Standard Template Image used in registration. Use this command to reorient the image so that they appear the "same way round" in FSLVIEW (note, your original images do have to have the correct header information)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Face Stimuli

Thinking of running a psychology/neuroscience study with faces as stimuli? Here are some face databases:

NimStim Set:
* Hmm, I find the photos a little weirdly cropped. The hair looks really strange.
* If you find the faces strange, it usually helps to morph several faces together (e.g., using Fantamorph).

Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces (KDEF):

Chicago Face Database:
  • 158 photographs of Black and White individuals. Targets are represented with the following expressions:
    • neutral
    • angry
    • happy (with open mouth)
    • happy (with closed mouth)
    • fearful